Supporting the children of Honduras
and their families since 1973
Fruit Trees

This is a photo that has stayed with me from 2020. It was taken as our team were distributing food bags to desperate families. There was no food in the fields or gardens but this tree was in full fruit. Since seeing this I have been extra interested in CH Trust providing fruit trees. I realised that once established, they are food factories which are less affected by extremes of weather.


We have taken over 2000 fruit trees to the Lenca communities over the last few years. Cesar buys the young saplings from a local nursery, choosing from a selection of fruit trees. Oranges of several varieties, lemons, avocado, mango and guava trees. Some have also been given to families in the Valle area.

Lenca ladies in La Paz receiving fruit trees


These people live in the Valle area


These are of our trees that were planted some years ago at Vicente College


These fruits will be given to families in need.